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Your Health and Wellness Chiropractor in Grimsby!   905.945.4200

Chiropractor in Grimsby

One Degree of Separation

I weigh 170 lbs. If I told you next year that I gained two pounds, you’d probably think: “so what, you’re 172 lbs, who cares?”  Even if I told you I lost 2 pounds last year, you would likely respond the same way.

The bigger issue here is the pathway that people are on.  A 2-pound per-year gain or loss over the course of 10 years lands people in completely different destinations.  This would mean a net difference of 40 lbs over 10 years.

Imagine I start two people walking from the end of my driveway and I give them a compass.  One person tilted to the right 1 degree and the other person tilted to the left one degree.  If we let them walk on their respective pathways for 5 years they would end up in completely different areas.

This is the way great health is either gained, maintained, or lost.  It rarely happens in a catastrophic, immediate way.  Instead health typically gets lost slowly – below the radar – and isn’t really noticeable until it’s so far gone the body struggles to compensate and keep up. Likewise, it is a slow and steady return to health that is usually best and most sustainable.

The most important thing, at the end of the day, is the path you’re on.  Being on the right path is better than the misconception that being at the destination is all that matters.  I’d rather be in a bad spot but with a consciousness and willingness to right the ship, instead of being in a decent spot un-knowingly destined for an iceberg.

Today, evaluate all aspects of your life and make sure the ship is heading in the right direction: your relationship with God, with your spouse and family, with your health, and with your chosen career.

Getting on the right path is the only way to make sure you arrive at the destination you’ve been created for.

Be Blessed,
Dr Matt

By |2019-10-03T20:10:25-04:00October 3rd, 2019|Uncategorized|

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