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Chiropractic Care For All Ages

Chiropractic Care For All AgesChiropractic Care For All Ages

The Spine

Everyone has one, no matter what age you are. The spine is at the core of our skeletal structure and it houses the delicate spinal cord and all of the nerves that innervate every organ, muscle and tissue of the body. These nerves take signals from the brain out to the body and bring sensory information back to the brain via the spinal cord. This is why the alignment of the spine and it’s integrity play such an important role in maintaining overall bodily function and vitality over a lifetime.


Right from their first moments, babies undergo a significant amount of spinal stress through the birthing process alone. This pressure can cause misalignments in their spine. These misalignments can affect how their brain communicates with their body and how their body perceives the environment around them. Having proper function in their nervous system allows their bodies and brains to develop the way they were designed to. However, if there are misalignments present; that can impede that communication and affect development both physically and neurologically. That is why it is so important to have your baby’s spine checked to create a strong foundation for optimal development.


Just like infants, children are developing at a rapid rate. They are always growing, moving and exploring the world around them. Learning skills and information that will serve them the rest of their lives. As children explore and play, it is inevitable that they experience a few trips and falls that can have an impact on spinal health. However, today’s kids are experiencing more spinal stress than ever before as a result of technology use.

Unfortunately, technology use is often accompanied by poor posture and inactivity. This has resulted in children as young as 10 exhibiting signs of degeneration in their spines. With the added challenge of technology, it becomes even more important for children to have a spinal care strategy in place. Adjustments help to improve sensory integration (perception of the world around them), focus, athletic performance and overall resiliency of their bodies to help them thrive and develop optimally.


Without question, today’s adults are more stressed, more sedentary and more unhealthy than ever before. Stress in the short term is a good thing. It was designed to help us escape or fight danger; hence the name fight or flight. However, being in a stress response chronically can have devastating effects on the body. It can affect mental, physical and emotional health. High stress levels in conjunction with a decrease in physical activity and technology use has led to premature spinal degeneration in rates we have never seen before. Adjustments help to immediately break the stress response and stop, or even reverse, the effects of degeneration in the spine. Having a healthy spine and nervous system can literally change the trajectory of your life. Allowing you to function at an optimal level and be the best version of who God created you to be.


Often referred to as “The Golden Years”, the last few decades should be exactly that. Years filled with enjoyment, community and blessing those around you. During this stage of life, it becomes abundantly clear the difference between those who looked after their health over a lifetime and those who didn’t. Oftentimes those who did are active, vibrant and independent and those who didn’t are in a nursing home on a laundry list of medications. The amazing thing is even someone who has neglected their health over a lifetime can still benefit from chiropractic care to help make their “Golden Years” truly that. It’s never too late to start investing in your health. Those who maintain their spinal health show decreased rates of physical and mental degenerative diseases and live much more active and vibrant lives when compared to those who don’t.

The truth is, you will never regret a single minute spent investing in your health. Without question, caring for your spine over a lifetime is one of the best ways to build resiliency, improve function and live the abundant life God has created you for.

Chiropractic Care For All AgesChiropractic Care For All Ages

The Spine

Everyone has one, no matter what age you are. The spine is at the core of our skeletal structure and it houses the delicate spinal cord and all of the nerves that innervate every organ, muscle and tissue of the body. These nerves take signals from the brain out to the body and bring sensory information back to the brain via the spinal cord. This is why the alignment of the spine and it’s integrity play such an important role in maintaining overall bodily function and vitality over a lifetime.


Right from their first moments, babies undergo a significant amount of spinal stress through the birthing process alone. This pressure can cause misalignments in their spine. These misalignments can affect how their brain communicates with their body and how their body perceives the environment around them. Having proper function in their nervous system allows their bodies and brains to develop the way they were designed to. However, if there are misalignments present; that can impede that communication and affect development both physically and neurologically. That is why it is so important to have your baby’s spine checked to create a strong foundation for optimal development.


Just like infants, children are developing at a rapid rate. They are always growing, moving and exploring the world around them. Learning skills and information that will serve them the rest of their lives. As children explore and play, it is inevitable that they experience a few trips and falls that can have an impact on spinal health. However, today’s kids are experiencing more spinal stress than ever before as a result of technology use.

Unfortunately, technology use is often accompanied by poor posture and inactivity. This has resulted in children as young as 10 exhibiting signs of degeneration in their spines. With the added challenge of technology, it becomes even more important for children to have a spinal care strategy in place. Adjustments help to improve sensory integration (perception of the world around them), focus, athletic performance and overall resiliency of their bodies to help them thrive and develop optimally.


Without question, today’s adults are more stressed, more sedentary and more unhealthy than ever before. Stress in the short term is a good thing. It was designed to help us escape or fight danger; hence the name fight or flight. However, being in a stress response chronically can have devastating effects on the body. It can affect mental, physical and emotional health. High stress levels in conjunction with a decrease in physical activity and technology use has led to premature spinal degeneration in rates we have never seen before. Adjustments help to immediately break the stress response and stop, or even reverse, the effects of degeneration in the spine. Having a healthy spine and nervous system can literally change the trajectory of your life. Allowing you to function at an optimal level and be the best version of who God created you to be.


Often referred to as “The Golden Years”, the last few decades should be exactly that. Years filled with enjoyment, community and blessing those around you. During this stage of life, it becomes abundantly clear the difference between those who looked after their health over a lifetime and those who didn’t. Oftentimes those who did are active, vibrant and independent and those who didn’t are in a nursing home on a laundry list of medications. The amazing thing is even someone who has neglected their health over a lifetime can still benefit from chiropractic care to help make their “Golden Years” truly that. It’s never too late to start investing in your health. Those who maintain their spinal health show decreased rates of physical and mental degenerative diseases and live much more active and vibrant lives when compared to those who don’t.

The truth is, you will never regret a single minute spent investing in your health. Without question, caring for your spine over a lifetime is one of the best ways to build resiliency, improve function and live the abundant life God has created you for.

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