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Your Health and Wellness Chiropractor in Grimsby!   905.945.4200

Chiropractor in Grimsby

Detox For Better Health

detoxOur Current State

It’s been over a year since the pandemic started and we are still yet to hear any solid, relevant information that will allow us to emerge stronger and healthier as a society.

People are finding themselves more and more skeptical when the only health advice we have been given is passive.  Hide in your house and stay away from people until this is over!!

Although both of these may have some merit, they both fall short of dealing with the true pandemic in our society.  The true pandemic is the failing state of health in our society and the lack of emphasis on preventative, active engaged self care. 

As we’ve been saying, much like a broken record, when you’re strong and healthy, you are less vulnerable.  Being strong and healthy takes active participation.  

Just because a child sits at home and doesn’t have symptoms, doesn’t mean that they are healthy.  If they sit in chronic postural distortion, eat like garbage, get little movement and live on electronics, they are likely NOT healthy.  At that young age, they are increasing their risk of diabetes, cancer, heart disease etc.  They likely won’t have pain or symptoms for years but they are already en route.

The Importance of Detoxing

This month, we want to encourage you to focus on a spring cleaning your body.  Start dumping the toxins you’ve accumulated and stop letting them back in your life.

We get toxic from the air we breathe, the water we drink, the lotions we put on our body’s, the chemicals in our food, the drugs we take, etc.

Here is a list of 3 powerful things you can do to detox and cleanse your body.  It’s easy to start and discipline will keep you on track.

  1. Fast for one 24hr period each week.  Try eating your last meal on Sunday night at 6pm and don’t eat again until Monday at 6pm – this will help mobilize fat and dump toxins.
  2. Take milk thistle to help support your liver, a major detox organ in your body.
  3.  Apple Cider Vinegar – 1tbsp in 8oz of water.  This contains malic acid, which helps to open the bile duct.

Actively engaging in your health will build you resiliency for any adversity you encounter.

detoxOur Current State

It’s been over a year since the pandemic started and we are still yet to hear any solid, relevant information that will allow us to emerge stronger and healthier as a society.

People are finding themselves more and more skeptical when the only health advice we have been given is passive.  Hide in your house and stay away from people until this is over!!

Although both of these may have some merit, they both fall short of dealing with the true pandemic in our society.  The true pandemic is the failing state of health in our society and the lack of emphasis on preventative, active engaged self care. 

As we’ve been saying, much like a broken record, when you’re strong and healthy, you are less vulnerable.  Being strong and healthy takes active participation.  

Just because a child sits at home and doesn’t have symptoms, doesn’t mean that they are healthy.  If they sit in chronic postural distortion, eat like garbage, get little movement and live on electronics, they are likely NOT healthy.  At that young age, they are increasing their risk of diabetes, cancer, heart disease etc.  They likely won’t have pain or symptoms for years but they are already en route.

The Importance of Detoxing

This month, we want to encourage you to focus on a spring cleaning your body.  Start dumping the toxins you’ve accumulated and stop letting them back in your life.

We get toxic from the air we breathe, the water we drink, the lotions we put on our body’s, the chemicals in our food, the drugs we take, etc.

Here is a list of 3 powerful things you can do to detox and cleanse your body.  It’s easy to start and discipline will keep you on track.

  1. Fast for one 24hr period each week.  Try eating your last meal on Sunday night at 6pm and don’t eat again until Monday at 6pm – this will help mobilize fat and dump toxins.
  2. Take milk thistle to help support your liver, a major detox organ in your body.
  3.  Apple Cider Vinegar – 1tbsp in 8oz of water.  This contains malic acid, which helps to open the bile duct.

Actively engaging in your health will build you resiliency for any adversity you encounter.

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