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The Gift of Health

the gift of healthAs the Christmas season approaches, many of us may be looking to press the reset button after one of the most challenging seasons of our lives. Goals and dreams were put on hold, relationships were challenged and worlds were shaken to their core. However, what this season of CV19 has revealed is the importance of the things that really matter.

Busyness is Trending

In a society that has celebrated and even glorified a life of busyness; the things that truly matter have all too often been set aside. Face to face interaction has been traded for a screen. Home cooked meals with whole foods have been traded for fast food and daily exercise has been traded for a life of sitting. It isn’t until many of our freedoms are taken away, in a situation like CV19, that we truly realize the importance of (and crave) the basic tenants that we had been so quick to abandon before.

The Gift of Health

One such tenant is health. Our health is a gift and one that requires stewardship over a lifetime. The importance of health has been made abundantly clear during this pandemic. Those who have not been taking care of their health have been the most affected by the virus and the same is true with any challenge. Those with the strongest health foundation in place are those who will do the best through adversity. 

Health as a Priority

The truth is, your health matters. Not only for yourself but for everyone in your life. Prioritizing your health allows you to step into the fullness of who you were created to be. CV19 has been a wake up call, so let’s not let these important lessons be forgotten. Start investing in relationships and start investing in your health so you can live the long and vibrant life you were designed for. 

the gift of healthAs the Christmas season approaches, many of us may be looking to press the reset button after one of the most challenging seasons of our lives. Goals and dreams were put on hold, relationships were challenged and worlds were shaken to their core. However, what this season of CV19 has revealed is the importance of the things that really matter.

Busyness is Trending

In a society that has celebrated and even glorified a life of busyness; the things that truly matter have all too often been set aside. Face to face interaction has been traded for a screen. Home cooked meals with whole foods have been traded for fast food and daily exercise has been traded for a life of sitting. It isn’t until many of our freedoms are taken away, in a situation like CV19, that we truly realize the importance of (and crave) the basic tenants that we had been so quick to abandon before.

The Gift of Health

One such tenant is health. Our health is a gift and one that requires stewardship over a lifetime. The importance of health has been made abundantly clear during this pandemic. Those who have not been taking care of their health have been the most affected by the virus and the same is true with any challenge. Those with the strongest health foundation in place are those who will do the best through adversity. 

Health as a Priority

The truth is, your health matters. Not only for yourself but for everyone in your life. Prioritizing your health allows you to step into the fullness of who you were created to be. CV19 has been a wake up call, so let’s not let these important lessons be forgotten. Start investing in relationships and start investing in your health so you can live the long and vibrant life you were designed for.

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