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Your Health and Wellness Chiropractor in Grimsby!   905.945.4200

Chiropractor in Grimsby

Supplements That Strengthen and Fortify

“Toronto’s top public health official says that there is “no question” that there will be a resurgence of COVID-19 in the fall and that everything, including another lockdown, will be on the table when it comes to limiting the spread of the virus.”

This is the message put out by Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health Dr Eileen deVilla on August 31.

If, and I repeat if, this is the case, the missing message is once again the most powerful message.  You are not helpless in the face of this, or any pandemic.  You are your greatest hope in anything health.  No pill, potion, lotion, quarantine or lockdown will ever protect you more than your body’s own built in systems.

Your immune system is your greatest defence. Just last week the CDC stated that only 6% of all recorded CV19 deaths were due to the virus alone.  In 94% of all deaths, other factors played a role in the cause of death as well.  This should alarm and excite you all at once.

What Can You Do?

The greatest thing you can do for you and your family is focus on your health.  Get your entire family on a wellness based chiropractic regimen.  Chiropractic helps keep your body be more resilient.  Have your family radically reduce all sugar consumption whether in candy or juice or white flour.  They all cause insulin to surge and that decreases your resistance to all infections.  Get to bed on time.  Sleep is essential in reducing your stress and allowing for recovery.

You can also fortify your system by using all or some of the supplements listed below.  They are all on sale in our office right now as you work to strengthen your system.

Build Health and Resiliency with:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D3
  • HMF SuperPowder
  • Omega 3
  • Zinc
  • NAC

Keep Infection First Aid on Hand:

  • Deep Immune
  • Virafect
  • Oreganum Plus

Investing your time and energy into your health is much smarter than spending your time watching fear based, hyper-sensationalized news feeds that don’t share the entire truth with you.

The truth is, when you are healthy, you have the wonderful ability to fight infection and be strong in the face of adversity.  Health is arguably one of the most important things in life.  Start working on it as an entire family.

Be Blessed,

Dr Matt and Dr B


“Toronto’s top public health official says that there is “no question” that there will be a resurgence of COVID-19 in the fall and that everything, including another lockdown, will be on the table when it comes to limiting the spread of the virus.”

This is the message put out by Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health Dr Eileen deVilla on August 31.

If, and I repeat if, this is the case, the missing message is once again the most powerful message.  You are not helpless in the face of this, or any pandemic.  You are your greatest hope in anything health.  No pill, potion, lotion, quarantine or lockdown will ever protect you more than your body’s own built in systems.

Your immune system is your greatest defense. Just last week the CDC stated that only 6% of all recorded CV19 deaths were due to the virus alone.  In 94% of all deaths, other factors played a role in the cause of death as well.  This should alarm and excite you all at once.

What Can You Do?

The greatest thing you can do for you and your family is focus on your health.  Get your entire family on a wellness based chiropractic regimen.  Chiropractic helps keep your body be more resilient.  Have your family radically reduce all sugar consumption whether in candy or juice or white flour.  They all cause insulin to surge and that decreases your resistance to all infections.  Get to bed on time.  Sleep is essential in reducing your stress and allowing for recovery.

You can also fortify your system by using all or some of the supplements listed below.  They are all on sale in our office right now as you work to strengthen your system.

Build Health and Resiliency with:

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D3
  • HMF SuperPowder
  • Omega 3
  • Zinc
  • NAC

Keep Infection First Aid on Hand:

  • Deep Immune
  • Virafect
  • Oreganum Plus

Investing your time and energy into your health is much smarter than spending your time watching fear based, hyper-sensationalized news feeds that don’t share the entire truth with you.

The truth is, when you are healthy, you have the wonderful ability to fight infection and be strong in the face of adversity.  Health is arguably one of the most important things in life.  Start working on it as an entire family.

Dr Matt and Dr B

By |2020-09-08T11:34:22-04:00September 8th, 2020|back, chiropractic, general health, grimsby chiropractor, healthy lifestyle, wellness|

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