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Your Health and Wellness Chiropractor in Grimsby!   905.945.4200

Chiropractor in Grimsby

Can Pushing on Your Spine (getting adjusted) Really Make You Healthier??

The purpose of the spine extends far beyond providing a strong tube-like piping around a delicate spinal cord. The spine supplies a significant amount of the vital nutrition to the brain through electrical feedback and movement. The better the movement, the better the brain and nervous system function. Every organ in the body connects to the nervous system. When the nervous system functions better, all aspects of health and human performance improve.

A massive influx of research over the past 15 years proves the immeasurable value in living with a healthy spine. Continually updated research articles explain that the benefits of a Chiropractic adjustment and improved posture go well beyond pain relief:

  • Improved Blood Pressure after C1 (atlas) Adjustment (2007)
  • Improved Immune Function and Reduced Allergies with improved spinal health (2004)
  • Improved Hormone Balance following Spinal Adjustment (2015)
  • Poorer Health Outcomes in Measured Categories as Posture Deviation Increased (2005)
  • Improved Brain Function following Spinal Adjustment (2016)
  • Improved Heart Rate, Breathing, and Autonomic Function with Infants after an upper cervical adjustment (2002)

So many people in the medical community remain indoctrinated into a system that believes unnatural influences like drugs and surgery improve health. The entire health care system improves with each new person understanding the connection between a healthy nervous system and improved spinal health.

Can health actually improve through a Chiropractic adjustment on the spine? Science proves that the answer is a resounding yes. Families around the world continue to experience benefits of Chiropractic that go far beyond assisting with back and neck pain. Science and research combined with over 120 years of real life results continue to support how every spine and nervous system benefit from regular chiropractic adjustments from birth until completion of a life well lived.

Be Blessed,

Dr Matt

By |2019-10-03T20:11:08-04:00October 3rd, 2019|Uncategorized|

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