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Your Health and Wellness Chiropractor in Grimsby!   905.945.4200

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Stress Resiliency2024-08-20T14:11:53-04:00

Stress Resiliency

Stress Resiliency & Treatment

Stress is the leading cause of disease in North America and it also likely one of the least contended with things.  We think that stress just means a tough day on the job but really our body is continually dealing with multiple angles of attack from stress. Stress can be emotional (marital struggles), physical (a car accident), or chemical (cigarette smoke).

What they all share in common is how they drive the body’s central nerve system into a sympathetic dominant response (fight or flight).  Stress used to be an occasionally encountered thing that was relatively short lived.  Today, stress is more frequent and chronic and many people live in a state of unrelenting stress.

When your nerve system is continually bombarded with a stress response, everything becomes about immediate survival and their is little to no attention paid to longevity.  The immune system suffers, insulin levels are high, most organ blood flow is diminished and the body sufffers tremendously on all accounts.  

The chronicity of stress can lead to nearly all disease.  Cancer, heart disease, dimentina, auto-immune disease, the list is endless. The good news we have for you is chiropractors are able to help ease the stress response that is driving in the central nerve system.  Chiropractic adjustments have been proven to alter the central nerve system in a way that reduces the stress response.


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We’re Waiting to Help You

The preservation of health is easier than the cure for the disease.
How We Improve

Stress Resiliency in Grimsby

Comprehensive Consultation and Exam

Understanding what is at the root of your chronic stress response is the first part of being able to eliminate it. Is it physical pain, is it the type A driver life, do you have nutritional toxic overload? This is why a thorough health history, done by our team, will help expose the greatest culprits that are creating the stress response in your body and then we can begin to strategize on helping resolve it. The technology we have in our office is fantastic is helping to very where your body is physically manifesting the stress the most. Our infrared thermography will let us know how your body is adapting, our motion palpating analysis will allow us to assess for areas of greatest tension, our digital X-rays can let us where the stress of dysfunction in resulting in abnormal joint wear. All of these results will allow us to know what types of chiropractic care and supportive care to have you integrate into your life.

Stress Resiliency

Nutritional Guidance

If your stress is being negatively influenced by your nutrition, one of our doctors would be happy to get you heading in the right direction with your food intake. We offer 6-8 FREE life changing workshops a year. These workshops will help you know what your doing wrong and get you heading in the right direction with your feet firmly planted on the ground.

Specific Chiropractic Care in Grimsby for Stress Resiliency

A subluxation is an abnormal area of spinal tension, movement and nerve pressure that results from a stressor. As discussed above, those stressors can be physical, emotional or chemical. All stress is processed through the nervous system and that is why it is so easily detected and contended with by chiropractors. In the beginning subluxations may actually be painless, in-noticed by a patient. When they persist long enough they irritate the nerves resulting in many types of symptoms and pains. It can be tension, kinking, restricted movement, headaches, back ache, chronic neck and shoulder pain, sciatica, rapid heart rate, poor HRV, and list could go on and on. Chiropractic care strategy is very positively influential on stress. This may include chiropractic adjustments, spinal mobilization training, whole body vibration, moving neck release traction, massage therapy, stability training or even breath work. There are a wide variety of ways to calm and influence the nerve system in a great way.


Stress Resiliency

Stress Resiliency

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Question about Stress Resiliency

Frequently asked questions about Stress Resiliency

Can chiropractors in Grimsby, ON help with stress?

Absolutely, they are experts in detecting and correcting subluxations. This immediately alters your bodies stress response.

What is the most common stress related problem?

Likely headaches, back pain and digestive issues.

What are 5 signs of a chronic stress in your system?

Anxiety, tension across your shoulders, lower back pain, a knot in your stomach, jittery/can’t sit still.

What 3 things can I do at home to help stress?

Deep breathe, get more sleep, walk in nature.

How do you test for a stress in your system?

Many ways. We use tension, Thermography, Xray, Digital Range of Motion and symptom analysis to look for stress at our office.

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