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Chiropractor in Grimsby
Fix Poor Posture2024-09-14T00:07:33-04:00

Fix Poor Posture

Fix Poor Posture & Treatment

How important is it to fix poor posture? Posture is very tightly correlated to joint pain, muscle tension, nerve compression and premature arthritis forming in the spine.  Posture is now being impacted more significantly based on our sitting and technology driven lives.  When looking at someone from the side profile, proper posture allows for a straight line to be connected all the way down from the middle ear to the ankle and intersecting the shoulder, the mid thigh and knee.  There are healthy side profile “c shaped curves” in the neck, the upper back and the lower back.  This is why a good chair has a lumbar support.  These curves provide better resiliency to gravity and allow for better shock absorption through the spine.  When spinal posture deviates, people begin to feel tension building up and if it persists long enough it can lead to things like headaches, shoulder injuries, disc problems and even breathing issues. 

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The preservation of health is easier than the cure for the disease.
How We

Fix Poor Posture in Grimsby

Comprehensive Consultation and Exam

Getting to know what a persons postural problems are always begins with a proper understanding of what they do on a day to day basis and any previous traumas or repetitive stresses (such as sports) that may have affected their posture.

The examination process is going to involve observing the patient in the standing and sitting positions.  We will measure how your body is loading from side to side and where you have alignment deviations.  Next we will challenge your spine with certain movements to determine where it is weakest and how capable it is at returning to a more normal state. We will also use digital range of motion, infra-red thermography and any needed x-rays to make sure that we have exposed the root of the problem.

The root cause must be revealed in order to create a long lasting resolution with the patient.  Covering up the dysfunction with medication will only result in the problem worsening while masking the symptoms.

Specific Chiropractic Care in Grimsby

A subluxation is a misalignment pattern in the spine that affects the way the spine moves, how the joints function, how the muscles behave and alters the nerve pressure in the area.

Subluxations result in posture changes and those changes create stiffness, pain other ailments.

Patients with subluxations and posture distortions are excellent candidates for chiropractic care. Alignment of the spine is the main specialty of chiropractors.

Fix Poor Posture

Custom Corrective Exercise Plan

When posture changes, muscle length will shorten in certain places and lengthen in others.  Certain muscles will also become overactive and some will become dormant.  It is absolutely imperative that this be addressed in order to help a person get a long standing resolution of their problem.  At New Life Chiropractic, we will guide you with the proper strengthening and stretching exercises to fix your issue.  We also use in office decompression cervical traction and whole body vibration to optimize the results you achieve.

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Common Causes of Poor Posture in Grimsby

Forward Head Translation

When your head shifts forward, out front of your shoulders, it makes your neck work harder than intended.  This happens when straining towards monitors, looking down at a hand held electronic and even gazing forward while driving.

Fix Poor Posture

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Question about Fix Poor Posture

Frequently asked questions about how toFix Poor Posture

Should I see a doctor or a chiropractor about my posture?

Chiropractors deal with posture and structure all day long.  They are highly trained and very skilled at helping people make corrective changes.

What can I do to relieve my posture pain in Grimsby, ON?

 Aside from meeting with one of our chiropractors, you should get a variety of different movements incorporated into your day.  A well rounded fitness routine can help with this.

How should I sleep to help with my posture?

This can very from person to person, however, back sleeping is general the most appropriate to help offset many posture issues.

Should I even bother trying to fix this if I sit all day?

Absolutely. The key is doing the right things to help neutralize the impact of your sitting dominated days.

Can stretching make posture problems worse?

That again depends on the specific problem and person.  Some time it can make it worse if an area is already overtly lengthened.  This is why consulting with someone who can take your entire situation into account is very important.

What exercises help with posture?

Although it is person specific, most commonly opening up the front of the body by stretching it and strengthening the back of the body is going to help.

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