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Your Health and Wellness Chiropractor in Grimsby!   905.945.4200

Chiropractor in Grimsby
Disc Injury Treatment2024-08-20T13:48:41-04:00

Disc Injury Treatment

Disc Injury Treatment

Do you need disc injury treatment? Disc injuries are one of the most prevalent types of injuries that happen to the spine. The reason that disc injuries are so common now in our society is that people do not have enough healthy, regular movement that occurs in their day-to-day lives. Certain movement patterns become over utilized and other movement patterns become under utilized, this creates a vulnerability in many people spines. At New Life Chiropractic our doctors are trained to help people identify the root underlying cause that made their disc susceptible in the first place. Improving the load of the spine, the muscular stabilization as well as the movement patterns of the spine are some of the most effective ways to help people with disc injuries. Our doctors have had tremendous success over the years, helping people with their acute and chronic disc issues.

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We’re Waiting to Help You

The preservation of health is easier than the cure for the disease.

Disc Injury Treatment in Grimsby

Comprehensive Consultation and Exam

Our consultation and exam are designed to find the root cause of your disc injury and back pain. Recognizing that masking the pain with medication is not a long term solution we will learn what really needs to be done to heal the damage. Whether it is us observing the way you get in and out of a chair, how you walk, which muscles are dormant, how compressed nerves are or how damaged your disc is, we will get to the bottom of things.

We will ask you questions to learn about your history and what may have impacted your disc. Jobs, sports, fitness, accidents even nutrition have all played a role in the state of your spinal discs. We need to learn these things about you in our consultation

Next, a series of exams that will assess your spinal loading, your flexibility, your disc degeneration, your muscle balance, your nerve pressure and even your spinal alignment will be completed to leave no stone unturned. Once this is complete we will consider the need for any imaging.

Disc Injury Treatment

Digital X-rays

Our office has state of the art digital X-rays right on site.  This allows us to assess how much damage there might be, how that damage is affecting things like the discs and nerves and what possible options are available to help you contend with the issues.  X-rays can often be used when following up to determine the level of recovery a patient is making.  Pain is only one indicator of spinal health.  Objectively seeing and monitoring with imaging is a way to know exactly how things are progressing.  

The use of X-ray is not taken lightly in our office.  We are only ever taking the minimum number of views needed to do our best work and the digital advancements allow the patient exposure to ionizing radiation to be minimized.

We also use infrared thermography to determine the heat patterns in and around your spine which is great indicator of how your autonomic nerve system is working.  Is it stuck in rut or is it allowing your body to heal and recover as it should.  Inflammation and chronicity of nerve dysfunction are at the root of many people’s inability to heal. 

Finally, our digital range of motion analysis allows us to see where the motion of the joints is impaired.  Motion is key to allow proper fluid exchange, lubrication and nutrient replenishment in the discs and joints.

Custom Therapeutic Exercise Plan

Since discs, muscles, ligaments, joints, bones and nerves are all so intricately connected, the most successful long term approaches to disc injuries must involve proper muscle activation.  Most people are familiar with the wording of ‘core exercise’ however that is often too vague and not specific enough for a person with damage in their discs.  A particular exercise that may help one person may actually be very detrimental for another.

Our custom approach to exercise prescription will make sure that proper areas are targeted for you and that you won’t be doing anything to harm yourself.  As much as we are a fan of Google and YouTube, it is often too generic and not the right thing when it comes to low back pain.

Disc Injury Treatment
Specific Chiropractic Care in Grimsby for Disc Injury Treatment

Imagine your jaw wasn’t completely broken or dislocated however, it was misaligned enough to change the symmetrical way your teeth connect with every bite.  A subluxation in your spine is just like that.  The only thing that is worse with a spinal subluxation is that it occurs in very close proximity to nerves that all have a very important job to do.  Subluxations in your spine can come slowly over time due to a repetitive job or they can come acutely due to an obvious issue like lifting wheel barrels full of dirt.  Either way the subluxation affects the bones which then in turn causes inappropriate loading and burden on the discs.  Consequently the muscles, joints, ligaments and nerves all become impacted.  These all work as a unit so when one is impacted the whole “symphony” is out of tune. 

Subluxations often exist below the radar before they “announce themselves publicly with pain”.  The issues that can result from  subluxations are severe disc pain, limited mobility, disc bulges, disc herniations, sciatica, leg pain, groin and testicular pain, hip pain, pain radiating into the arms and shoulders, tingling in your hands and feet, walking difficulty, foot drop and even organ dysfunction.  

Chiropractic is a very great choice for disc pain as indicated in several medical studies and published journal articles world wide.  Patient recovery and satisfaction levels with chiropractic are greater then those for massage, PT, exercise, acupuncture and all pharmaceutical use.  This is because chiropractic addresses disc pain at the root cause level while others focus more on masking the pain. 


Disc Injury Treatment

Disc Injury Treatment

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Common Causes of Disc Injury in Grimsby

Fostering a Recovery

Properly addressing an injured or damaged disc and fostering a recovery for the the disc always involves dealing with: a) the load on the disc (alignment), b) the movement of the disc, c)the stability of the ligaments and muscles around the disc. Looking at the spine in a comprehensive way is what allows us to get such great results.

Disc Injury Treatment

Ready to Thrive?

Question about Disc Injury Treatment

Frequently asked questions about Disc Injury Treatment

When should I be worried about disc pain?

The most appropriate answer is immediately. If you are feeling pain, there has likely been enough damage that it should no longer be ignored. Contrary to conventional thinking, passively medicating is not a good choice for disc pain. Long term success depends on active involvement and doing the right things.

What can I do to relieve my disc pain in Grimsby?

There are some generic exercises that you can see in our videos here, however the most appropriate thing to do is consult with one of our experienced doctors to determine the exact pathway to recover from your individual situation.

How do I know if my disc pain is serious?

Most back pain is a serious thing.  Pain is often and indicator that something pretty significant is happening.  Just like most pain in the body, ignoring it will usually result in it getting worse.

What causes disc pain?

Disc pain can be caused by many different things. Acute things like accidents or heavy lifting are obvious however less obvious things like desk work and standing on hard floors are often culprits as well.

How should I sleep with disc pain?

Ideally you want to find the least painful position and try and get the best quality of sleep you can.  Sleep is when the body does a lot of healing and the quality of sleep will often trump the position.  Many disc pain sufferers prefer a position on their back with a small pillow behind their knees and others will have one side or the other that tends to be most comfortable.  Being pain free is the general rule at this point.

How do I tell if back pain is muscle or disc-related?

This is a tough one to do on your own. Usually a contraction the muscle without moving any joints or changing position will isolate the muscle. Discs are most irritated when transitioning positions and the pain is usually very sharp. Also, discs will commonly struggle to handle pressure that comes from “bearing down” like a bowel movement.

How does a slipped disc feel?

“Slipped Disc” is really an inaccurate term. The feeling is usually very sharp and your body is very sensitive when you shift positions. You may often have a sideways leaning posture.

Why won’t my disc pain go away?

There are many reasons this can be the case. Most commonly, it is that you aren’t addressing the root cause and you are continually over burdening the disc which is preventing it from healing.

Can a Chiropractor in Grimsby help with disc pain?

Absolutely. Chiropractic has been proven to be one of the absolute best ways to contend with disc pain.

What is better for disc pain: a chiropractor or a massage?

Although massage is very valuable, Chiropractic care has been proven in many studies to be the most effective way to help with disc pain.

When should I see a Chiropractor in Grimsby for disc pain?

The sooner the better. The longer an injury is left un-contended with, the more challenging it can be to recover.

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