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Your Health and Wellness Chiropractor in Grimsby!   905.945.4200

Chiropractor in Grimsby
Chiropractic For Kids2024-08-20T13:16:47-04:00

Chiropractic For Kids

Chiropractic For Kids & Treatment

Are you looking for chiropractic for kids? Although it may seem strange for children to see a chiropractor, there has never been a more relevant time in history for pediatric chiropractic care than now. Most of us can comprehend that children’s movement patterns are becoming more monotonous and destructive than ever. Just like taking care of your teeth, isn’t about pain and symptoms, taking care of your structure and nerve system is very similar. Most children can have nerve system, stress and spinal subluxations and not have any obvious pain. Chiropractic is very appropriate and safe for children at all ages. In fact spinal subluxation is often obvious right after birth. Reactive healthcare, known as waiting for pain, is not a successful model for health and well-being. The advantages that children who undergo chiropractic care have our tremendous.

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We’re Waiting to Help You

The preservation of health is easier than the cure for the disease.
How We Manage

Chiropractic For Kids in Grimsby

How We Treat Kids At Each Stage In Their Development
Newborn Chiropractic (Birth to First Month)
Infant Chiropractic (First Month to 1 Year)
Chiropractic for Toddlers (1-3 Years)
School Age (5-12 Years)
Chiropractic for Teenagers (12-18 Years)

Chiropractic For Kids

Chiropractic For Kids

Explore our video learning area to discover valuable insights on chiropractic care and wellness. Watch expert-led tutorials and tips designed to help you and your family maintain optimal health.

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Common Childhood Conditions That We Have Helped

Breastfeeding Problems

Ready to Thrive?

Question about Chiropractic For Kids

Frequently asked questions about Chiropractic For Kids

Is chiropractic safe for a child?

Chiropractic is very safe and effective for children.

When should you take children to a chiropractor in Grimsby, ON?

Our advice would be “the earlier the better”.  Just like keeping your teeth healthy.

What age can a child start seeing a chiropractor?

Immediately after birth is when both of our doctors had their children receive their first spinal check-up.

How do I know if my baby needs a chiropractor?

They definitely do if they have any of the above mentioned symptoms or conditions.  A well baby chiropractic check up is something we believe lines up with our preventative health care values.

How does chiropractic help with colic?

By correcting spinal misalignments and restrictions which results in taking stress and irritation out of the nerve system.

Is pediatric chiropractic the same as chiropractic for adults?

The intent of improving the spine and nerve system function is the same however the approach is different.  Children receive extremely gentle care and usually require very few visits to help.

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