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Chiropractor in Grimsby
Neck Pain Relief2024-08-20T14:02:13-04:00

Neck Pain Relief

Neck Pain Relief & Treatment

Do you need neck pain relief? Neck pain, also known as cervicalgia, is a growing concern in society today. Premature wear and tear of the neck is more rampant than ever and chronic technology / desk posture is likely a main culprit. A recent study showed that the highest prevalence of neck pain exists in people aged 35-65 and contributes to a large variety of extended health issues. Neck pain can lead or contribute to sleep problems, arm numbness, anxiety, depression and headaches.

Neck pain can be as a result of joints, muscles, discs, nerves, ligaments or tendons. Leaving it unresolved will usually result in compromised motion and chronic levels of elevated tension.

Your neck is designed for a full range and wide variety of movements and uses. When the neck subluxates (compromised movement and alignment that leads to nerve stress), one of the most effective ways to improve it is with chiropractic care. Compared to more aggressive approaches such as injections, surgery and even prescription medication, conservative chiropractic allows the majority of patients to report significant levels of improvement.

Chiropractic is an all natural, conservative, effective and safe approach to dealing with the root causes of neck pain.

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We’re Waiting to Help You

The preservation of health is easier than the cure for the disease.
How We Treat

Neck Pain Relief in Grimsby

Comprehensive Consultation and Exam

Our consultation and exam are designed to find the root cause and give you neck pain relief. Neck pain must first involve a proper diagnosis and then a comprehensive strategy to strengthen and heal the compromised area’s of the neck. Below is an overview of the strategy that we have used to help thousands of people, young and old, with neck pain.

We start by getting a thorough understanding of what your neck has been through over the years. This is much more important that it seems. Did you ever have a whiplash? Have you played contact sports? Were forceps or vacuum part of your birth process? Do you work on a computer, do you have a long commute. All of these are relevant to try and help you correct previous damage and limit it in the future.

Next we will guide you through a series of relevant examinations. We leave no stone unturned as we perform posture, load, mobility, neurological and muscle activation tests. This will allow us isolate the under performing areas and know how to help you address them.

Proper neck health is rarely resolved by simply covering up the symptoms and pain with some type of pharmaceutical approach. It is our root because analysis that allows us to get such good results with our patients.

Digital X-rays

Our office has state of the art digital x-rays right on site. X-rays can be a  very  important piece in providing comprehensive care to someone with neck pain.  X-rays will allow  us to see any new issues and any long standing concerns that the body may have been compensating from for years.

There are certain areas of the neck that primarily have certain functions, the lower neck handles arching your neck back and forth and the upper neck handles turning your neck and head.  Seeing the issues of these specific areas allow us to be certain of what we are dealing with and how best and most efficiently to help you fix it.

An X-ray will allow us to see the alignment and mechanical function of the neck including areas of damage like arthritis, facet compromise, degenerative disc disease, joint fixation, ligament instability and foraminal encroachment.

Specific Chiropractic Care in Grimsby for Neck Pain Relief

When the spine segments stop loading and moving properly, they will ultimately put pressure on the nervous system causing a wide range of stress in your neurology often resulting in pain. This process is called neck subluxation. Neck subluxations can lead to pain in the head, neck, upper back, shoulders and even arms. Headaches can also be a product of neck subluxations. Chiropractors, are trained primarily in the detection and correction of spinal subluxations. Through corrective adjustments and specific spinal stabilization exercises we have successfully guided many patients to correct these underlying mechanical and neurological deficits.

Chiropractic is so effective in dealing with neck pain because of their very specific training and specialization in spinal care. Chiropractic is safe, well proven, and efficient at correcting neck issues. Patient satisfaction ratings with respect in chiropractic are some of the highest in all of health care.

Custom Therapeutic Exercise Plan

Rarely is a completely passive approach (taking medications) an effective long term strategy.  Usually a patient will need to actively engage in some aspects on retraining the soft tissues in their neck.  This is done through a variety of different therapeutic types of stretches, stabilization exercises or even a gentle form of cervical traction.  We will guide you on which of these might be needed for your comprehensive recover.

Nutritional Supplementation

There are several natural supplements that are available to help with things like inflammation, pain moderation and even the health of the cartilage / soft tissues.  Our chiropractic doctors are trained in recognize deficiencies and recommend supplements that will help you recover with great efficacy and efficiency.


Neck Pain Relief

Neck Pain Relief

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Common Causes of Neck Pain in Grimsby

Bulged Cervical Discs

Discs in the neck  can easily be visualized by thinking of a jelly donut and  they serve a few primary purposes.  First, they act as shock absorbers to help cushion against gravity.  Next they act as a buffer to maintain space between the bones which allows them to have enough room to perform movement.  Lastly, the space they help maintain creates room for the nerves to exit off the spinal cord.  If a disc gets thin or the wall of the disc gets weak, the above functions become compromised.  

Neck Pain Relief

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Question about Neck Pain Relief

Frequently asked questions about Neck Pain Relief

Is a chiropractor in Grimsby good for neck pain?

Chiropractic is definitely a very successful and safe approach to resolving neck pain for good.

When should you see a chiropractor for neck pain?

The sooner that you act on a problem, the quicker it will usually resolve. Taking action as soon as you are aware of a problem will ensure the greatest success.

Is it okay to “pop” my own neck?

This is definitely not a good idea.  The joints in the neck need a delicate balance of mobility and stability.  Popping your own neck can created exaggerated mobility and result in chronic issues.  Rarely is the release of tension felt by “self popping” dealing with the actual issue.

How should I sleep with lower back pain?

Ideally you want to find the least painful position and try and get the best quality of sleep you can. Sleep is when the body does a lot of healing and the quality of sleep will often trump the position. Many low back pain sufferers prefer a position on their back with a small pillow behind their knees.

What causes lower back pain?

Low back pain can be caused by many different things. Acute things like accidents or heavy lifting are obvious however less obvious things like desk work and standing on hard floors are often culprits as well.

How does a slipped disc feel?

The feeling is usually very sharp and your body is very sensitive when you shift positions. You may often have a sideways leaning posture.

Is a massage or chiropractic better for neck pain?

Although we are big fans of massage therapy, Chiropractors are very the most highly trained and educated when it comes to the joints of the the neck and spine.  They are able to go to deeper levels to assess the problem.  If the care that is best for you is massage therapy, our doctors will certainly let you know.

Do medical doctors recommend chiropractors for neck pain?

Absolutely, we regularly have patients that come to our office because their medical physicians have referred them.

Are chiropractors covered by insurance for neck pain?

 Yes.  Chiropractors are covered by insurance companies to care for patients with neck complaints.

How can I relieve my neck pain?

 If you neck pain is sharp, it is best to try and do gentle movements within the pain free range.  When the pain is more of a dull ache, you can try and integrate some gentle range of motion stretches like we show in the video above.  A combination of ice and heat will also often help with the body’s natural healing response.

How should I sleep with neck pain?

When you neck is in pain, finding a pain free position is really the general rule. Each type of injury is unique and different and there really is not a one size fits all approach. Rest is healing and getting a good sleep is best.  Find what feels best and sleep.

Why does my neck hurt on one side?

There are many possible answers to that question, but it is most common that the body would have experienced a load that exceeded your tolerance on that one side.  Example – kinked your neck that direction while sleeping, use your right arm more and work that side most often, car hit your vehicle on drivers side and affected your body more on one side than the other.

How can you tell if your neck is out of alignment?

If you experience a difference in any of the motion patterns such as turning better to the right than left, if you get headaches, if there is pain down your arms, if you have tension in your neck, across your shoulders or down to your shoulder blades you probably have a neck alignment issue.

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